Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Madagascar Morning Meeting: Part Deux

Welcome back to the Madagascar Morning Meeting. We have a few hundred new visitors this time, because the wonderful students and teachers at CP are joining in this time too. Glad to have you all here. Follow along and have a good time. 

Greeting and Activity:
Normally, the greeting and the activity are two different things. But we will dare to combine the two and see what happens. Language is a tricky thing here. Very few people speak English. A lot of people speak French. Everyone speaks Malagasy. But they don't all speak the same Malagasy. There are over 20 different versions. Some are only a little different. Some are like a whole new language. All this means there are a heap of ways to say hello. 

Here are five different ways people say hello in Madagascar (not the only five, but five). Click on the movie below for help pronouncing these little mouthfuls:

Salama (sa-lam-a)

Bonjour (bon-jure)

Akory be (a-kor-a bay)

Tonga soa (toon-ga soo-a)

Salut (sa-loo)

And here's the game. Two versions actually.

K-2 Version: 
Play the telephone game using one of the five ways of saying hello. The teacher starts to make sure it pronounced correctly (or close to correctly). Pass it down the line and see what comes out the other end. Try again with a different way.

3-5 Version: 
If you are not in a circle, get yourselves in one and stand up. One person starts and turns to a neighbor and says hello in any of the above five ways. Easy so far. Now that neighbor has to turn to her neighbor and say hello in a different of the five ways. That's it. If you repeat the word the person just said to you. You are out. If you say hello in any way that is not one of the five ways, you are out. Keep playing until there is only one language lover left.

Well, the whole darn blog is about sharing, so scroll on down and have a look see. The last two posts have lots of cute animals, some furry, some not. There is even a little homemade movie of some fascinating lemurs. There's a post about food. One about skeletons. Oh, who am I kidding? You just want to see lemurs, so just go down a bit and enjoy. 

Last time we learned how to say hello in Malagasy. This time we will learn goodbye. But why learn to speak Malagasy from some vazha (Malagasy for "white guy") when you could learn it from an actual Malagasy. Click on the video to get a short but proper language lesson from my friend Dr. John (just for the record, he is not an actual doctor, but it is a great nickname). 

Have a wonderful summer. I miss you all very much. The blog will be up and running all summer (your summer, our winter), so please check back in for life and lessons from Madagascar.

Take care and veloma.


Ms. Larsen's Class said...

Dear Mr. Lebo,
Greetings from Ms. Larsen's class! We had a great time at the Madagascar Morning Meeting. We really liked the pictures of the lemurs. They were AWESOME! We also liked your cool, new, waterproof hat. We also enjoyed the lemur video, especially when we saw the lemur jump from tree to tree. We miss you and hope you are having a good time. Come back soon!
Ms. Larsen's Class

Emma and her Dad said...

Dear Mr. Lebo
I showed my Dad your website and he loved it. He asked if you had ever seen a video of the Jesus Lizard? You can see it at:

Emma and her Dad from Littlebrook

Chad Lebo said...

Dear Emma (and Dad),

I believe I have if they are the swift little fellows that can sprint two-legged across the water.

Now, what I would really like to see is a Moses lizard that could simply part the water and just stroll on across the dry bottom.

That would be something.

Thank you so much for checking in and leaving a comment.

I may be stopping by for a visit in December. I hope I get a chance to see you at school.